Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Encounter (Part II)

It was like magic... the modern-day lamp summoned the genie that granted my wish.. Only a few clicks of the send button and a few hours of waiting... she appeared at the gate...

Basking in the sun, her magnificent physique dazzled me as she stepped into my world..

It was after lunch when we realized we needed to do something... we needed to extinguish the burning desire that possessed our bodies... the heat... the yearning to quench the thirst... (giuhaw ra gud)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Encounter

....i forgot where she came from

just like a shadow of the mist after the rain...

forgot what she wore....

she carried something..

was that a bag..? ..hmmmn...


the only thing imprinted in me was her eyes...

pierced through my heart like a poison-tipped spear....(felt my knees shaking)

and her smile, sweet as honey bathed me in the moonlight...... 

then she embraced me...............

...can still feel her warmth, supplanted the coldness of my icy heart